For a while, I've been working on Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation, a full, completely original game written in Danmakufu! Yeah, that's right: 9782 lines of unadulterated Danmakufu code.
Unfortunately, due to a show-stopping bug, the release of the next demo will have to be delayed to April 4. We apologize for your inconvenience.
In addition, the Japanese translator for NTP has redacted his offer to translate the game due to a heated argument, and a mistake with another user has caused me to be "permanently suspended" from LOCAA, as Sparen had told me the other day. Moreover, I have been temporarily banned from MoTK due to participating in a flamewar, and KermMartian, founder of Cemetech, has explicitly refused to pardon my account.
Furthermore, due to megahomework over spring break from my Spanish teacher, I might not be able to develop NTP that much during that period, and I have been accused of raising a crowdfunding campaign for the (still extremely-WIP) Project Youmu engine.
On the bright side, the anti-crowdfunding policies of Touhou Prono are hereby repealed, given that not everyone wishes to be a "starving artist".
Everything in this post except the first two sentences and this one is an April Fool's prank; happy belated April Fool's day!
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