Saturday, January 24, 2015


I was testing out Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation after some changes.

I got the title, screen, and tried to start a game. Danmakufu didn't even freeze; it just gave up. No error message, and nothing in the log.

I knew it wasn't forgetting to yield. It's something else, like mistakenly using index for a variable name. I opened up Git Bash, and grepped to try to search for such cases. Didn't see anything unusual about that.

It might be a buffer overflow since the scripts might be too long due to large files included. I created a test script that defined a long string of Yukari. Worked fine, even if I tried to print it in the log.

Okay. What might it be? I looked at the log file, and saw that Danmakufu did load the background and the digit graphic, but nothing after those two. I also noted that I changed the TPIV task to exit when the hidden mode was activated.

I put a WriteLog call both before and after the main part of the definition:

task TPIV {
 if (isHidden) {return;}
 let objScore = ObjText_Create();
 ObjText_SetText(objScore, "SEeS");
 ObjText_SetFontSize(objScore, 20);
 ObjText_SetFontBold(objScore, true);
 ObjText_SetFontColorTop(objScore, 200, 200, 255);
 ObjText_SetFontColorBottom(objScore, 255, 255, 255);
 ObjText_SetFontBorderType(objScore, BORDER_FULL);
 ObjText_SetFontBorderColor(objScore, 0, 0, 0);
 ObjText_SetFontBorderWidth(objScore, 1);
 ObjText_SetFontType(objScore, typeface);
 Obj_SetRenderPriority(objScore, 0.01);
 ObjRender_SetX(objScore, 428);
 ObjRender_SetY(objScore, 254);
 let objNum = createNumberObject(496, 254);
 loop {
  updateNumber(objNum, getPIV, 8, 1);

And Zenki showed up. No Goki, though. I tried the same, just around the conditional return, and the same result. It must be with the isHidden function!

function isHidden {
 GetAreaCommonData("Replay", "Hidden", false);

Wait, no return? Let's change that:

function isHidden {
 return GetAreaCommonData("Replay", "Hidden", false);

And thus the script didn't crash.

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